Hilly's XL Mini
Apple Cider Doughnut-ish Hand Pies

Introducing Hilly's XL Mini Apple Cider Doughnut-ish hand pies. A spin on this season's flavor, Apple Cider Doughnut, and a nod to one of Tosi's first desserts at Momofuku, these mini pies are the best of both worlds.

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Apple Cider Doughnut-ish Hand Pie Assembly

Apple Cider Doughnut-ish Hand Pie Assembly


-Preheat your oven to 375 f.
-Sprinkle surface and rolling pin lightly with flour before rolling out your pie dough, then, roll your dough.


If making hand pies: 

-The method below is for the simplest option of how to assemble your hand pies. But if you want to do a lattice top, follow instructions below up until folding step, then, instead of folding, cut strips from your remaining dough, and lay lattice pattern on top of filling, then, fold your bottom dough over ¼’ of your lattice, and crimp with fork, proceed as normal from there.

-Roll out doughs one at a time, leaving the other half in the fridge until ready to use. 

-Dust dough liberally with flour on all sides. Roll out dough into a rectangle roughly 12” x 20”, and ¼” thick. 

-Using a 1 cup measure to portion, place 3 portions of filling along the long edge of your rectangle, evenly spaced, ensuring there is at least 1/2 “ space between the filling and the edge of the dough. 

-Make sure to brush any excess flour away from the edge of your filling, and dab a little water on the dough around your filling (so your top crust sticks!).

-Next, fold the filing-less half of your dough over your portioned filling. 

-Press the top dough flush around your filling. 

-Crimp the border of each filling pocket with a fork to adhere, then trim excess dough using a pizza cutter, knife, or scissors. 

-Immediately, and with utmost care, place your assembled hand pies onto small tray or plate, and place in freezer until baking. A wide spatula will help make this an easy task.

-Gather your scraps and place in fridge for at least 20 minutes, then, you can re-roll and make a few more hand pies with them.

-Repeat the steps above with your second half of dough. Re-roll your scraps until all filling is used. 

-Whisk together egg and 1 Tbsp of water, set aside for egg wash.

-Remove hand pies from freezer after about 15 minutes (hand pies should feel firm to the touch, and easy to handle). 

-Place pies on half sheet tray lined with parchment paper, 3 per tray, work in batches if necessary.

-Cut a small hole, or several slits in the top of your hand pies for ventilation, then brush with egg wash. Top with a hefty amount of cinnamon sugar to cover surface of dough entirely. 

-Bake at 375 for 30 - 40 minutes, pies should have puffed and flaked, should be well browned, and crust should feel crisp to the touch. Top with more cinnamon sugar as they come out of the oven. 

-Allow to cool for 30 minutes to an hour on wire rack. These are best served slightly warm to the touch!

-Top with sour whipped cream to serve. 


If making a classic double crust pie: 

-Preheat your oven to 375 f.

-Roll out ½ of your pre-divided dough into a circle roughly 2” wider than your pie tin, leaving the other half in the fridge until ready to use.

-Drape your pie dough into your pie tin, ensuring it is fully lining the tin all the way to the bottom. 

-Fold excess dough around edge of tin underneath itself, to create a lip -- then crimp as desired. 

-Place in fridge or freezer for at least 15 minutes. 

-Blind bake your crust: Line inside of pie with two pieces of foil, leaving some excess overhang around the edges to fold over your crimped crust (to prevent over browning.) Fill lined pie shell with pie weights, beans, or sugar, something to weigh it down. 

-Place lined and weighted pie onto sheet pan, and place in oven. Bake for 30 - 40 minutes until crust has started to lightly brown. 

-Remove pie crust from oven and carefully remove foil and weights, set these aside to cool. Prick the base of your pie crust with fork to prevent ballooning in the oven and return your pie crust to oven for an additional 15 minutes. 

-You’re looking for the entire crust to turn a light golden brown and for no spots to look “wet.” If the crimped edges begin to brown faster than the rest of the crust, tent with foil. 

-Remove crust from oven and allow to come to room temperature until filling, about 20 minutes. 

-Whisk together egg and 1 Tbsp of water, set aside for egg wash.

-Roll out the second half of your dough. The top crust design is up to you, but I like a classic lattice top. 

-Pour room temperature or chilled apple filling into bottom crust into even layer, then top with your top crust in desired design. 

-Brush top crust with egg wash, then sprinkle liberally with cinnamon sugar to even coat. 

-Place pie on sheet tray, place in oven at 375. 

-Bake for 45 minutes - an hour. You are looking for your top crust to deeply brown and become flakey, and for the bottom crust to do the same. Your filling should be bubbling. 

-If at any point the edges of your crust start to become too dark, remove pie from oven and tent with foil to prevent further browning before placing back in oven.

-Remove from oven and cool on wire rack for 1 - 2 hours, until totally room temp and filling has set. 

-Slice and serve with sour whipped cream. 



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