Published July 18 2020

1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons yeast
1 tablespoon molasses or light brown sugar
2 ⅔ cup flour + more for dusting
2 teaspoons salt
4 qts water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking soda
++ your ideal spiced toppings
In a large bowl, whisk water and yeast together until frothy. Whisk in molasses/lbs.
Add flour and salt and mix until it comes together as a ball. Knead for 7 minutes.
Grease a medium bowl and let dough rise for 1 hour. Knock dough out onto clean, slightly floured surface and divide dough into 6. Roll each portion into a long rope and bring ends together to form a bagel shape— rolling the dough so there is no visible seam. Cover bagel rounds and let rest 20 minutes or transfer to greased pan, cover with plastic and refrigerate overnight— your choice.
Heat oven to 450F.
In a large pot, bring water, sugar and baking soda to a boil. Gently drop bagels in water (I do mine one at a time), boiling 20 seconds/side. Remove from water and transfer to a sheet pan/baking rack combo. Fill the bottom of the sheet pan with a layer of water.
Top bagels with seasonings of your choice (be generous).
Bake 450F for 10 minutes. Lower oven to 350F and bake another 15 minutes.
Cool on rack 15 minutes before digging in! Freeze if you don’t consume same day.